Principles for Interpreters in Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Abuse and Human Trafficking Settings

Interpreters follow a unique set of ethical obligations and principles to become a conduit of communication. Their role helps remove communication barriers so that individuals with Limited English Proficient (LEP) are afforded full and equal protection under the law....

Resource Guide for Advocates & Attorneys on Interpretation Services for Domestic Violence Victims, 2016

The Interpretation Resource Guide is a collection of information, tips, tools, and resources on on working with interpreters to ensure language access in domestic violence agencies. The resource guide covers: Language access rights & laws Interpretation Finding,...

Serving Individuals Who Are Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Deaf-Blind and Do Not Use American Sign Language, 2015

Tips and resources on ensuring access for victims who have additional language access needs. Related Resources Language Justice Principles for Everyday Practice and During COVID-19 ArticleWhat is language justice, what are tips for lawyers to practice it, and why is...

Language Access: Considerations & Recommendations for Advocates Supporting Survivors of Violence, 2014

Interpreters fulfill a critical duty – to place limited English proficient (LEP) individuals on an equal footing with individuals who are fluent in English. To ensure meaningful access, LEP survivors must have access to trained and qualified interpreters. Furthermore,...