AANHPI Elder Safety & Wellness: Strengths, Challenges, & Opportunities

This resource aims to illuminate some of the barriers faced by AANHPI elders, as well as recommendations for intervention and prevention. These learnings and recommendations were collectively developed by a multi-disciplinary think tank on elder safety and wellness...

Engendering Change: Transforming Gender Roles in Asian & Pacific Islander Communities, 2007

Engendering Change: Transforming Gender Roles in Asian & Pacific Islander Communities grew out of a round-table discussion, convened by the API Institute, inviting battered women’s advocates and providers of Batterer Intervention Programs (BIPs) with the following...

Lifecourse Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence and Help-Seeking among Filipina, Indian, and Pakistani Women, 2010

This research project aimed to enhance the understanding of Asian battered women’s experiences in seeking help from the criminal justice system and other programs, and to develop recommendations for system responses to IPV in Asian communities. To this end,...