Domestic Violence, Featured, Gender-Based Violence, Homicide, Lifecourse Violence and Help Seeking, News and Events, Research and Data, Updated
The 2020 updated and expanded Facts and Stats Report contains new statistics on domestic violence, community attitudes, health and mental health impacts, help-seeking behavior, domestic violence related homicide, and more. The Facts & Stats Report, consistently...
Asian Pacific Islander Demographics and Census Data, Asians and Pacific Islanders
These factsheets provide a detailed look at 10 groups of Asian Americans by national origin, including data on educational attainment, income and poverty, civic participation, language diversity, immigration and nativity, labor-force participation, and access to...
Asian Pacific Islander Demographics and Census Data, Asians and Pacific Islanders
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Asian Pacific Islander Demographics and Census Data, Asians and Pacific Islanders, Domestic Violence, Gender-Based Violence
Domestic and gender violence manifest differently across communities: prevalence and incidence rates, attitudes to domestic violence and help-seeking, culturally rooted types of abuses, and traditional norms for women and men, vary. This factsheet on violence and help...