This skit is easy to stage and engages any audience. It shows what a difference a friend, a parent, a child, a professional, or a community can make, and contrasts victim-blaming with empowerment. Riwa’s story raises awareness about gender expectations by women and men, how these expectations perpetuate harsh and unforgiving environments, frozen culture in refugee and immigrant communities, benefits of change to women, men, elders, youth and children, and how gender equality enriches family and community life.
“So many people said they were touched by the skit. The message was so clear, it brought tears to their eyes” (Alabama)
Blanketed By Blame has been used in Alabama, Arizona, Bangladesh, California, Hawai’i, Lebanon, Minnesota, Ohio, Palestine, Texas, Wisconsin. We grant permission to adapt the text, change characters, names, translate the skits, etc. Please fully credit API-GBV and send us a copy of the adapted version.
Dramatization by the Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence
Based on an exercise developed by Ellen Pence
Credited to the Deluth Project and Ellen Pence
Adapted by Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-based Violence
Related Resources
The Community Engagement Continuum: Outreach, Mobilization, Organizing and Accountability to Address Violence against Women in Asian and Pacific Islander Communities
Community-based approaches to transform relations of power.
Community Engagement Curriculum Guide
Impact and strategies of community organizing in the anti-domestic violence movement.
Innovative Strategies to Address Domestic Violence in Asian and Pacific Islander Communities: Examining Themes, Models and Interventions, 2010
Examining the work done by API domestic violence advocates, their success, shortcomings, and future.
Framing Batterer Accountability in the Context of Our Work as Advocates: Issues & Questions, 2006
This report raises practical questions regarding batterer accountability, taking the view of the victim and community well-being into account