February 6, 2019

1. Female genital mutilation/cutting is practiced in many countries across the world, including in some communities in the United States.
2. Female genital mutilation/cutting can take different forms, ranging from a small nick of the clitoris to removal of parts of the external genitalia.
3. Women and girls who have been cut can experience a range of lasting health and psychological harms, including pain, fear of sexual intimacy, and complications with childbirth.
4. Female genital mutilation/cutting is violence against women: usually performed without consent, or to girls too young to give informed consent, FGM/C denies women and girls the fundamental right over their own bodies. 
5. Female genital mutilation/cutting is rooted in patriarchy: intended to curb women’s sexual desire or pleasure, FGM/C assumes women’s sexuality is something that requires controlling. In contrast, male circumcision – performed by many communities for medical reasons — is not performed to control men.
Want to learn more about FGM/C and what you can do to speak out? Check out:
  • Sahiyo Stories Series: women from different communities share digital stories to speak out about their experiences