How do we move from gender violence to gender democracy?
Pacific Islanders share rich histories
Music and dance as agents of change
Hmong movement makers
Asian Pacific Islander Agents of Change: Disrupting Gender Violence | Defining Gender Democracy
August 5-7, 2018
Omni Hotel at Los Angeles Plaza
The Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence thanks you for attending our national summit for cutting-edge analysis and discussion on critical issues and trends affecting immigrant and refugee survivors of domestic violence, sexual violence and harassment, trafficking, abusive international marriages, etc., in our communities.
Below you can download the Summit materials, including participants list, slides that panelists and workshop presenters have made available to us, and resources from participants.
From a Wintry Retreat in Wisconsin to a Global Summit in Thailand: Disrupting Transnational Gender Violence
Applying Research Justice Principles to Community-Based Participatory Research: Learnings from the Survivor-Centered Advocacy Project
Building Our Communities: Organizational Sustainability (Part 1 and 2)
Ho’oikaika ‘Ohana Culturally Specific Trauma Informed Care Services
Housing Assistance for API Survivors of Domestic Violence
When Love Turns Deadly: Risk Factors for Serious Harm for Queer & Trans API Survivors: Sharing New Research
Using Messaging and Media for Impact
Working with Muslim Survivors: An Intersectional Approach
Resources from participating agencies
Asian/Pacific Islander Domestic Violence Resource Project
Banteay Srei
New Mexico Asian Family Center
2017 Year in Review
Asian/Pacific Islander Domestic Violence Resource Project
Domestic Violence Myths + Facts
Fiscal Year 2017 Impact
Healing The Body flyer (September 6, 2018)
Immigration Relief for Survivors of Domestic Violence (Chinese)
Immigrant Relief for Survivors of Domestic Violence (English)
Asian Health Services Youth Program at The Spot, AYPAL: Building API Community Power, Banteay Srei
Raising AAPI Youth Visibility: Findings from a survey with Asian American and Pacific Islander Youth in Oakland, CA
Banteay Srei
2017 Newsletter
Agency Brochure
Sauce: Southeast Asian Unity Through Cultural Exploration
Freedom Network USA
2017 Impact Report
2018 Member Report
Policy Paper: A Rights-Based Approach to Combating Human Trafficking (2015)
Futures Without Violence, HEART Women & Girls, Advocates for Youth
Beyond Halal and Haram: Muslims, Sex, and Relationships
HEART Women & Girls, Justice for Muslims Collective
Muslim Power and Control Wheel
Manavi, Inc.
Sexual assault support services posters
New Mexico Asian Family Center
Sahiyo – United Against Female Genital Cutting
The Making of Sahiyo Stories
Texas Muslim Women’s Foundation
North Texas Giving Day: Learn more about TMWF
University of Hawai’i
Highlights from the 2017 Student Climate Survey on Sexual Harassment & Gender-Based Violence