In 2005, the Hmong Women’s Action Team (HWAT) began its Dialogues Project to re-engage Hmong women in conversation about their future.  This document offers some background information, provides a summary of the conversations, and makes recommendations for action based on the voices of Hmong women.  The principal author of this report is Bo Thao with contributions from MayKao Yangblongsua Hang and members of the Hmong Women’s Action Team.

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Gender and Culture in Transition: A Community Conversation: Report on Domestic Violence Forum with the Fresno Hmong Community, 2014

By Central California Asian Pacific Women. 
Advocates and community members from Fresno convened to examine domestic violence within the context of gender equity and how it impacts Fresno’s Hmong community. Participants identified steps that communities and systems can take to raise awareness, improve service for survivors, and redefine gender values and practices.

by Bo Thao
A Project of the Hmong Women’s Action Team (HWAT)

January 2007

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