In 2005, the Hmong Women’s Action Team (HWAT) began its Dialogues Project to re-engage Hmong women in conversation about their future. This document offers some background information, describes the challenges and obstacles Hmong face addressing sexism, and identifies clear strategies for working together to build gender equity.
Related Resources
Abusive International Marriages: Hmong Advocates Organizing in Wisconsin, 2012
Hmong advocates explore the connections between international marriages and sexual and domestic violence.
A Guide for Advocates to Understand the Legal Implications of Abusive International Marriages, 2016
This guide is intended as a resource for advocates who work with Hmong American women and families affected by abusive international marriages.
On Topic: Abusive International Marriages, Sex Tourism, and Trafficking
This brief clarifies the differences between abusive international marriages and/or relationships, trafficking, and sex tourism, and how the harms and labels we use impact women and survivors.
Hmong Women’s Dialogues Project: Our Voices Create Our Future, 2007
A Project of the Hmong Women’s Action Team (HWAT)
Women and advocates from the Hmong community define their vision and guiding principles to recommend community organizing and other strategic action plans to prevent domestic violence and address sexism.