Featured, New, News and Events, Uncategorized
May 25, 2023 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kaylee Wong, kwong@api-gbv.org Today the Biden administration published its long awaited U.S. National Plan to End Gender-Based Violence: Strategies for Action. The National Plan to End Gender-Based Violence (National Plan)...
Asians and Pacific Islanders, Culturally-Specific Advocacy, Featured, Gender-Based Violence, New, News and Events, Research and Data, Sexual Violence, Teen/Youth Dating Abuse, Uncategorized
AANHPI communities tend to be collective in nature, as well as hierarchical, to varying degrees. Both contexts complicate the concepts of consent and boundaries, especially for AANHPI youth and young adults, who often do not have opportunities to learn about the taboo...
Asians and Pacific Islanders, Featured, New, News and Events, Pacific Islanders, Research and Data, Uncategorized
This research report addresses the scarcity of data regarding Pacific Islander communities and presents research on the diaspora in the U.S. It seeks to understand who is the Pacific diaspora in the U.S., where they came from and where they are located; to examine the...
Asians and Pacific Islanders, Featured, New, News and Events, Pacific Islanders, Uncategorized
The Samoan Community Project builds on API-GBV’s Pasifika Power & Control Wheel Translation Project, which sought to adapt the well-used tool to Pasifika languages and cultural/community contexts. This report highlights the needs to unpack the Samoan words...
Culturally-Specific Advocacy, Featured, New, News and Events, Uncategorized
3/29/23 at 12:00pm PT/3pm ET Join this 45 minute virtual event to learn about the Asian Foster Family Initiative (AFFI) from Korean American Family Services (KFAM). AFFI is the U.S.’ first and only AAPI-focused foster family agency; it addresses the critical need for...
Featured, New, News and Events
Updated January 24, 2023 Just days after the tragedy in Monterey Park, we are shocked and extremely saddened to learn of the mass shooting in Half Moon Bay. We mourn the loss and injury of eight victims and share our condolences with their loved ones. Our hearts break...
Featured, New, News and Events, Uncategorized
1/25/23 at 10:30am PST Join API-GBV and Healing Equity United for the first in a series of virtual workshops, or healing retreats, addressing solidarity, privilege, and implicit bias. This series is intended for advocates and community members working to address...
Language Access, Interpretation, and Translation, New, Uncategorized
Tips and resources on Zoom interpreting and closed captioning for service providers. Related Resources Zoom Interpreting and Closed Captioning Guide for Service Providers, 2022 TipsheetTips and resources on Zoom interpreting and closed captioning for service...
Featured, Immigration, New, News and Events, Uncategorized
10/12/22 at 12:00 – 1:00pm PST On September 8, 2022, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published its final Public Charge rule, to go into effect on December 23, 2022. The rule strengthens public charge policies that had been in effect since March 2021,...
Asians and Pacific Islanders, Featured, New, News and Events, Uncategorized
9/27/22 at 12:00 – 1:00pm PST API-GBV is excited to welcome Amanda Chen to the first of our ‘AAPI Creatives’ Conversations. Amanda Chen is a serial entrepreneur, motivational speaker that has always been passionate about discussing concepts of gender, identity...