Domestic Violence, Gender-Based Violence, Pacific Islanders
A compilation of statistics on domestic violence, sexual violence, trafficking, and help-seeking in Pacific Islander communities. Related Resources Defining an Effective Response to DVSA in American Samoa By American Samoa Alliance Against Domestic & Sexual...
Asian Pacific Islander Demographics and Census Data, Asians and Pacific Islanders, Domestic Violence, Gender-Based Violence, Pacific Islanders, Sexual Violence
This guide, written by the Domestic Violence Resource Project (DVRP), provides an overview of the diversity in the Pacific Islands and aims to orient the reader on the geographical, historical, ethno-linguistic, and cultural diversity of the Pacific Islander...
Asians and Pacific Islanders, Domestic Violence, Gender-Based Violence, Research and Data, Sexual Violence
Domestic and gender violence manifest differently across communities: prevalence and incidence rates, attitudes to domestic violence and help-seeking, culturally rooted types of abuses, and traditional norms for women and men, vary. This factsheet on violence and help...
Domestic Violence, Gender-Based Violence, Research and Data
This factsheet compiles statistics on domestic violence, sexual violence, domestic violence related homicide, stalking, child exposure to family violence, and human trafficking in Asian and Pacific Islander communities. Related Resources Making Our Home and Community...
Asians and Pacific Islanders, Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is a universal problem, but its cultural expressions differ. Drawing attention to such differences can serve to confirm stereotypes because nuanced complexities are hard to convey, but advocacy that is not rooted in cultural contexts is even more...
Domestic Violence, Gender-Based Violence
This curriculum is designed to guide advocates serving API survivors to violence over the lifecourse, dynamics of domestic violence against API women, and cases involving multiple batterers. It aims to help advocates understand the impacts of these dynamics on...
Domestic Violence, Gender-Based Violence, Lifecourse Violence and Help Seeking, Lifetime Spiral of Gender Violence, Research and Data
This research project aimed to enhance the understanding of Asian battered women’s experiences in seeking help from the criminal justice system and other programs, and to develop recommendations for system responses to IPV in Asian communities. To this end,...
Asians and Pacific Islanders, Domestic Violence, Gender-Based Violence, Research and Data, Updated
Domestic and gender violence manifest differently across communities: prevalence and incidence rates, attitudes to domestic violence and help-seeking, culturally rooted types of abuses, and traditional norms for women and men, vary. This factsheet on violence and help...
Advocacy for Muslim Women, Asian Pacific Islander Demographics and Census Data, Asians and Pacific Islanders, Culturally-Specific Advocacy, Domestic Violence
Domestic and gender violence manifest differently across communities: prevalence and incidence rates, attitudes to domestic violence and help-seeking, culturally rooted types of abuses, and traditional norms for women and men, vary. This factsheet on violence and help...
Asian Pacific Islander Demographics and Census Data, Asians and Pacific Islanders, Domestic Violence, Gender-Based Violence
Domestic and gender violence manifest differently across communities: prevalence and incidence rates, attitudes to domestic violence and help-seeking, culturally rooted types of abuses, and traditional norms for women and men, vary. This factsheet on violence and help...