This event has ended. Visit our Twitter moment to see some highlights, or search the #APIFamilyViolence hashtag on Twitter or Facebook. 

Save the date for our #APIFamilyViolence chat on Wednesday May 22, 2019, 12-1pm PDT!

We hope that by making space to hold a conversation about domestic and sexual violence taking place within our communities, we can start to unravel the stigma and silence that hinder change. Beyond that, it’s an opportunity to share information about what’s happening in our communities, share resources communities and advocates have developed, and uplift the amazing work being done across the country by community-based organizations.

Download the Chat Packet for all the information you need to participate, including instructions, questions we will ask, and sample answers.

This year, you will be able to join in the conversation on both Twitter and Facebook. Please help us spread the word! We welcome the voices of anyone committed to ending gender violence. More info, including the questions we will ask, timeline, and sample responses to come on May 8th.

RSVP to let us know you will be there!: