9/27/22 at 12:00 – 1:00pm PST

API-GBV is excited to welcome Amanda Chen to the first of our ‘AAPI Creatives’ Conversations. Amanda Chen is a serial entrepreneur, motivational speaker that has always been passionate about discussing concepts of gender, identity and self worth. She hosted the 100 Masked Men podcast series, during which she interviewed 100 anonymous men about sex and relationships, masculinity and everything in between. Join us to learn about some of Amanda’s biggest Aha! moments from these 100 conversations, what it means to be an advocate for social justice through a non-traditional medium, and what her most recent endeavors into self-reflection can teach us about combating burnout in this work.

You can learn more about Amanda at missamandachen.com.

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Hosted by API-GBV and featuring Amanda Chen

September 2022

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